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How to Get in Touch with Maui Job Recruiters

Since job recruiters make it their business to seek out candidates, they can be a valuable resource. Connecting with a recruiter can make a big difference in your search for jobs in Maui. Making that connection isn’t always easy, however. Recruiters receive hundreds (and sometimes even thousands)... Read Full Article

Why You Should Go Back to School

In your search for Maui jobs, you may want to consider going back to school to give yourself an edge. Going back to school can boost your current career or give you the necessary tools to change careers. Here are a few reasons why you should hit the books again:.. Read Full Article

How to Conduct a Safe Online Job Search

If you are seeking a new job, there is 10 out of 10 chance you will be browsing for openings (and probably applying) online. The internet isn’t always a safe place, however, and carrying out an outline search/application does carry risks. It is however, possible to keep running your search on the web without putting yourself at risk of... Read Full Article

Basic Tips for Novice Job Seekers

If you are a novice job seeker, the application process might seem pretty overwhelming. When you are applying for Maui jobs, there are some basic tips you should always keep in mind during your search. If you stick with these, your job searching process will be a whole lot simpler... Read Full Article

Identifying Hiring Industries in Maui

In the midst of your job search, you should put some thought and effort into who’s hiring. This will make your search more focused and productive and you won’t waste your time with companies that don’t need more employees. When you are applying for jobs in Maui, here are some simple steps to... Read Full Article

Maui Career Fair Strategies

If you are looking for a solid source of job-related information and a chance to meet recruiters face-to-face, you can’t beat a career fair. You want to cast as wide a net as possible when applying for Maui jobs so take these events into consideration. Job fairs, however, require their own level... Read Full Article

How to Write a Solid Post-Interview Thank You Letter

Getting that thank you letter drafted and sent to your potential employer is your highest priority after the interview. What exactly those letters should entail can be tricky and varies situation to situation, but each should follow the same basics. While you are applying for Maui jobs, here is... Read Full Article

What You Should do After Your Maui Job Interview

The job interview is now behind you, but the application process isn’t over yet. After your interview for jobs in Maui, there are some important steps that you should look into. Regardless of how well your interview performance was, taking these steps will give you a boost and help you stand out... Read Full Article

Look Out for These Job Hunting Myths

The internet is the world’s largest depository of information, and there is quite a lot on the subject of job searching. Over the course of your hunt for Maui Jobs, you may or may not seek out this information. There is plenty of good advice to be found, but you should also be wary of the flawed... Read Full Article

How to Network Your Way to a Maui Job

When you are trying to break into a particular industry, you want to find out as much about it as possible. A tried and true method to go about doing that is to acquire contacts (networking). When you are applying for Maui Jobs, and you are looking for useful contacts, here are the steps you... Read Full Article

Tips for Maui Phone Interviews

Face-to-face interviews are becoming less common these days, so if you make it to that stage of the job application, odds are it may have to be done via telephone. Many of the same dos and don’ts apply to both types of interviews, but ones done over the phone do have some important differences to be aware of. When you are applying for... Read Full Article

Resume Tips for Maui Job Seekers

As an applicant for Maui Jobs, you probably already have a resume on paper. Before putting it to any use, however, you may want to take another look at it. No two resumes will be the same, but there are some basic steps that each one should follow. When the time comes to write, rewrite, or edit... Read Full Article

Using Niche Job Boards to Fill Maui Openings

Knowing where to start when you are trying to get a vacancy filled can be challenging. There are hundreds of candidates looking for Maui Jobs at any given time, so finding qualified individuals with relevant experience is a time consuming process. This is where niche job boards can be... Read Full Article

Maui Job Interviewer Tips

Interviewing candidates for a job opening can require as much preparation as a candidate going into the interview. Interviewer should also minimize their mistakes and give strong effort in structuring a productive interview. When the candidate is applying for Maui Jobs, here are some things you... Read Full Article

How to Write Solid Cover Letters for Maui Jobs

With all of the effort that goes into your resume, it can be easy to overlook that other crucial step: the cover letter. Having a quality cover letter can give a boost to your resume when you are applying for Maui Jobs. Avoiding mistakes and following the right steps will help your letter stand... Read Full Article

How to Change Your Maui Career

Changing careers can be brought on by a lack of satisfaction with your current line of work, or through simple desire to start anew in a different field. Whatever the case, changing careers is not a decision to be taken lightly, but if you go through with it, here are some goals to keep in mind while you apply for... Read Full Article

How to Spot Solid Maui Resumes

Part of working in a human resource department entails filtering out the resumes of unqualified job applicants. That part is easy enough but knowing what to look for in quality candidates applying for Maui Jobs is a little more difficult. Here are some key points to keep an eye out for when the... Read Full Article

How to Interview for Maui Jobs

If you have done everything right so far, than you have reached the critical step that is the job interview. How you perform here is what will get you the job, so there’s quite a bit you need to keep in mind when you are interviewing for Maui Jobs. Here are some things you should do, and some... Read Full Article